This post explains how to build a link which will display an image when a user hovers over their mouse. This technique could be used to create help balloons or link previews.

OK, lets build the special link one step at a time.

  1. Create a link:

    <a href="">website screenshot service</a>
  2. Add a place holder image like this transparent 1x1 pixel png. Notice that we give the place holder img an id and set some style attributes.:

    <a href="">
      website screenshot service
      <img src="/theme/img/linkpeek-transparent-pixel-placeholder.png" id="place-holder-1" style="zindex: 100; position: absolute;" />
  3. Add Javascript to change the place holder image onmouseover:

  4. Add Javascript to change back to the place holder image onmouseout:

  5. Lets put it all together:

    <a href=""
      website screenshot service
      <img src="/theme/img/linkpeek-transparent-pixel-placeholder.png" id="place-holder-1" style="zindex: 100; position: absolute;" />

And finally our result:

website screenshot service

Pretty neat huh?

How to make this method better?:

  • make the hover effect look better with more css styling
  • move all styles into a reusable class
  • move all classes into a reusable CSS stylesheet
  • move the onmouseover and onmouseout toggle into a reuseable Javascript function
  • move all Javascript into a reusable file
  • wrap everything up into a downloadable library project

Update: We did a follow-up post images on hover-lib to cover the ideas listed above.

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