We are please to release logmongo into the public domain. This module allows programmers to easily log messages to a capped MongoDB collections. [sourcecode]

What does it do?

  • Gracefully creates capped collections.
  • Auto expires oldest records first and solves log rotation.
  • Writes complex (dicts and kwargs) log records.
  • Logs asynchronously.
  • Collects logs locally or remotely or in a central location.
  • Allows access to logs via MongoDB queries and APIs.


Simply use easy_install or pip:

easy_install logmongo

pip install logmongo

Why should I use Logmongo instead of just pymongo?

Logmongo subclasses the pymongo Collection object and provides the following additions -

A new Logmongo object will:
  • gracefully create a named capped collection
  • allow a max size to be specified
write method which:
  • logs all passed keywords
  • adds current time to record
  • adds hostname to record
query method which:
  • allows keywords (kwargs) querying example: log.query( tags='finance' )
tail method which:
  • prints all records that match query until killed

How does it work?


from logmongo import Logmongo

log = Logmongo()

log.write( message='No required kwargs or fields!' )

entry = {
log.write( entry )

# for more help check out
help( logmongo )


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