Sign up

Takes only a few minutes and accounts are activated instantly.

Good for development
6000 requests
Better for freelancers
36000 requests
Best for production
162000 requests
LinkPeek is pay-as-you-go so there is no risk in trying.
Secure credit card payment
Encrypted payment communication.

3 or 4 numbers on back


What happens next? Your account will activate and you may begin to generate webpage screenshots!

Yes! frequently asked questions

Pay monthly?

Yes, LinkPeek is a pay-as-you-go screenshot service. No contracts, cancel anytime. We bill each month. Sorry we cannot refund payments.


Yes, a request is anything that "hits" LinkPeek. Fetching a screenshot will +1 the request count.

I passed the request limit, is it ok?

Yes, but please hand over your license, registration and proof of insurance... Just joking! We will continue to serve snapshots and contact you about any additional charges.

Do you offer more request?

Yes, we offer bigger plans and dedicated resources. You should contact us to get started.

Do you offer one time use?

Yes, simply choose a plan to get an API key then cancel on the account dashboard. Account will stay active for a month.

Unlimited unique URLs?

Yes, you may create snapshots for any address. We don't have a unique address limit.

Can I use my plan on multiple websites?

Yes, you may use your plan on any website. Be creative, use LinkPeek however you want!

My question wasn't answered, can we talk first?

Yes, we would love to hear from you. Ask us your questions.